"Seasoned Artists: Go From Jaded & Washed Up to Reclaiming Your Artistic Excellence & Mastery

One Call Away to Reawaken Your Purpose, Your Soul and Your Greatness

As a mentor and coach, I specialize in empowering seasoned, visionary performers to cultivate a path that is so deeply inspiring and satisfying, that you feel turned on by life. With my guidance, you'll unlock your mastery, manifest abundance in all areas of your life, leave a lasting legacy that lights you up, and make a meaningful impact in the world.

Your 90 Min Blueprint Strategy Session
Your 90 Min Blueprint Strategy Session

Success Story

Your 90 Min Blueprint Strategy Session

Hello My Love,

Iā€™m a Broadway Veteran, educator, college professor, director, choreographer, mother, and wife.

I have dedicated my entire career to the performing arts but my biggest, most important role in the industry is being a success coach.

I serve motivated, professional performing artists who are done with the struggle and are ready to show up FULLY in life onstage and offstage.

Your 90 Min Blueprint Strategy Session

When  I first started out I knew I had loads of talents but I quickly learned that having talent only took me so far, because I didn’t know “squat” else… even though I thought I did.

I didn’t know that being a performing artist is EXACTLY like being a small business owner.

I didn’t know the importance of having an unbeatable success mindset, ever-increasing wealth consciousness, and a rock-solid business system to support my artistry, talent, and ambition.
I was taught that I needed to work REALLY hard, to push, struggle and push some more to make “IT” happen, and if that didn’t work then I needed to work even harder.

Your 90 Min Blueprint Strategy Session
Your 90 Min Blueprint Strategy Session